30 Minutes

Delve into the world of numbers and their significance in your life. Personal numerology analyses your birth date to reveal your personality traits, strengths, and potential challenges.


Series of Experience Sharing- Soul Painting-1 What Renu ji has to say about Soul Painting.
Some beautiful inner expressions by our participant Vernica Khandelwal Sharma
Series of “Experience Sharing”- “Soul Painting-Kids”-1 What “Pooja Mehta” has to say about Soul Painting for her son “Dhroovi”
Some beautiful inner expressions by our participant Sheetal Batra 13 days Soul Painting workshop: Starting from 7th August
Series of “Experience Sharing”- “Soul Painting”-1 What “Teenam” has to say about Soul Painting
Meditation with Arch Angel Haniel to increase our Intuition and and power to release all the old blockages and past patterns..
Meditation on Flower of Life
Garima Mitra
Hi, I want to share something...... Whatever Shagun ji told me to do... I followed and results are like miraculous for me... I can say that meditation can really change our lives n do miracles in our life, a week before I was upset & full of negative thoughts about my relationship that was the time when I asked Shagun ji to help me and I joined her morning sessions of meditation. It was beyond my imagination. I don't have words to express my gratitude to her for her selfless service and help which she offers each person whom she meets by going out of the way. Yes, I believe it is possible to change our-self and our surroundings. Being with our own self is an amazing feeling. Thank You Shagun Mam!
Suparna Murpana
Respected Shagun...I wish to thank you Sincerely for this Morning meditation. Your Golden words "YOU ARE THE DOER OF YOUR LIFE" Changed my mind in a second. I have really overcome all my blockages and got over my mood swings. Thanks for being a Channel to me. Wishing more power and Success to you.
Nilesh Pradhan
Thank you Shagun ji for such interesting topic like, to know about our signature, ways of writing, handwriting etc, where and how to draw line's and dot's, understanding about people's personality, thought process, behavior and intention through their signature, very interesting, understand missing numbers, negative letters. I even understood the effect of my current signature and how to change the same lucky number.
Sarabjeet Kaur
I attended the Mantra Workshop, yes the session was really knowledgeable. We all know what mantras
are....but.....there is more to it. The proper technique, use of herbs and elements, and much more. Apart from its benefits I would like to add that the way Shagunji explained this tough topic to all of us, the complicated / complex topics with ease makes her unique and stands out from the crowd. Thank you so much Shagunji.
Deepa Ahuja
Hello all. I just attended the workshop on Initiation of Manifestation by Mantras. The title itself is self explanatory. The session was very knowledgeable. I can still feel the vibrations. We all know what mantras are....but.....there is more to it. A proper technique to say it with conscious breathing. With it one learns the correct timing of releasing. And the correct timing of manifesting. There is much more to it.
Wonderful Shagun..
Versha Khanna
The very first thing that, I was too happy to see u it seems that I was meeting u after a very long time...
I am really very thankful to you for the yesterday's channeled really has given me the clarity n direction to move in my career life...
I m so thankful to u....
It was really very helpful for me...
Thank u thank u thank u so much dear..????
Suparna Murpana
I Suparna, learnt the Mantra Course from Shagun K Singh on 2nd May and today was the 10th day of my Mantra Practice.
I started meditating daily for about an hour on all the mantras.
I must say that I am really benefiting by all the mantras in every aspect of my life. The stiffness in my lower back has also reduced.
The Mantras keep me calm, protective and powerful and more over ..l feel energetic throughout the day.
Thanks Shagun for such wonderful workshop.
Looking forward to 2nd level of Mantra.
Dakshayini Bellamkonda
It was a great opportunity given by Shagun ji to attend Mantra Workshop.
Today was the 4th day since I started practicing the Mantras and the experience which I am having is splendid and can't express in words but it should be felt. While meditating on the mantras I could feel the immense vibrations and the power of the mantra.
These are not only mantras but each mantras are for specific reason and has the correct technique to chant these various mantra, on top how to use five elements and our life force energy to manifest our dreams and how to work on our physical ailments, for emotional healing and much more.
The chanting of these mantra can eliminate the ailments which I have experienced in these three days of my practice. My lower back pain caused from slip disc was gone.
Thanks Shagun ji, for this wonderful workshop and for showing us the true path to move ahead and experience the bliss moments in our daily life.
Looking forward for 2nd level of Mantra workshop.
Garima Mitra
Thanx to you Shagun ji for showing us right path and teaching us right technique to chant these mantras that we never knew. It was an amazing experience during workshop and after that I can feel little glow or an Ora of myself. In your guidance we will surely achieve our goals. Lucky to have a coach like you?
Asha Zaveri
Want to share something which has given me great experience like I had bad throat don't know why, but today morning I was in your class Money Miracle my mind was some where else could not concentrate on guided meditation, then I realized about why my throat is bad,I spoke to the concern person and clear my doubt the moment I did it my throat was much better,I was sounding normal,my total credit goes to my teacher, guide Shagun that she's been teaching us beautiful different kind of meditation, different techniques,her conscious breathing, speaking the truth which has cleared my condition. This awareness I got in your morning class thank you so much for giving load's of knowledge, encouragement for our benefit. Friends please follow her guidelines and if you can join her classes,I am not here to promote her but it's my genuine feelings that in few day's and few classes what I have learnt was amazing experience. Big thank you
Manju Bhagat
Recently I have joined Empowerment meditation with Shagun K Singh. This is a guided meditation and I must say that Shagun has its own unique way to lead meditations which is truly blissful. The first session was very powerful, while doing meditation I could feel strong vibrations in my throat chakra and with the help of her guided meditation I could see some numbers as well. The whole experience was very powerful and full of positivity. There is a shift of energy which in turn help us to go deep inside and look for our blockages so that it can be removed. I truly believe that in the span of one month of this guided meditation we will be able to find our spiritual powers which can be utilized for our higher growth.
Thank you Shagun for this wonderful opportunity and experience.
Dakshayini Bellamkonda
Since 1st day of our Empowerment meditation I am feeling the vibration which is powerful, positive, and giving me all the inner strength that I was missing earlier.
There is a constant shift in the energy which is happening in me and guiding the pathway to move ahead to explore myself, I am amazed to see that in a span of few hours I am experiencing the shift in my energy so, in the journey of 30 days, by using these guided meditations for Empowerment followed by Releasing, there will be a great shift in all of us which will be definitely permanent.
I can say that this is more than a guided meditation, which goes deep inside us and helps to explore the inner world which is there in us and give us a completely new understanding about our true reality.
I request all of you to observe every moment of yourself with consciousness.
Let’s utilize the great opportunity to its fullest which God has provided to us Which will help us to utilize our spiritual gifts in our spiritual journey and release things which are blocking the way.
Rhia Jain
Few of her words which I always remember in my tough time, which gives me the ame courage to face and fight with my inner power is “Dive within to Swim the World”. I give my gratitude and blessings to Shagun Mam for her efforts and great job. She is not only a great therapist but a true Gem.”
Harleen Kaur
”My search for my life purpose has ended when I met Shagun mam and decided to go for Life-Between Life therapy. Where I could saw a lifetime just before my current life and after my death in previous lifetime, somewhere in Astral Panel.
I got many answers for the problems of my current lifetime, where I was carrying my family “doshas” and “ancestral curse” too. I am feeling blessed to have met Shagun, her in-depth knowledge and skills as a healer and therapist truly commendable.….! Loved the experience and thank you Shagun for changing my life…!!
Mallika Ravi Mallika
A Blissful Relation!
The term that connects me with you. I would first like to thank you and appreciate you for
the selfless service that you have taken on you to make the world smile. It is a divine
Purpose and I must say you are excelling in that.
My perception of life before Imet you;
The world is a place,
with only troubles astray;
Good luck and Happiness,
were not meant to stay.
My days were in turmoil,
My nights were a fear;
Troubled thoughts i had,
with solutions not near.
I went in a shell,
assuming life is hell;
always questioning “why Me”,
Begging God to set me free.
You came into my life,
like any other stranger;
little did i know,
on the dark cloud
You were the Rainbow.
Your posts made me think,
A new dimension in life;
It is our thoughts that mattered,
to hold the life from getting scattered.
The talks that we had,
You showed a firm stand;
It is not the problems,
But solutions that is in our hand.
You made me realize,
Life is more that petty things;
And to enjoy every moment,
and thank God’s blessings.
Today I stand out Proud,
a little away from the negative crowd;
A new look of Life I see,
Smiles and Bliss belongs to me.
Thank you Shagun,You have brought Sunshine to me.
Geeta G Thevar
A month ago. There is so much of change in me since then I proudly share my experience of the same.
Shagun as a PLR facilitator was very clam & gentle.
Made me comfortable as I was very much tensed.
She gently clamed me down & saw to my comfort then like an angel she guided me well to reach to my answers for which I required clearly
She began with meditation & loving with
Her melodious voice coaxed me towards my solution.
On the last lap of our session I was in the realm of angels (Akashic Library ) .
It was a blissful experience. &sweetly&
With tenderness she got me back.
I remember coming out smiling.
Since then Shagun has been gradually guiding me towards meditation.
Shagun has introduced various crystals too in my life.
Which are helping me & family in our regular life.
Shagun is my Angel and a very friendly person with deep understanding & strength in her.
Mother Kwan Yin showers her with love & blessing always.
God bless her.
Thanks Shagun for being there.
I wish to thank you for counseling which has bought a change in my life in a matter of days.
Meditation that you have been teaching has started giving me a lot of insight. Can't thank you enough.
Stay blessed.
Abhishek Shukla
I am writing this message as a gratitude for Shagun ji . As I have been going through a difficult & confusing phase of my life stuck with lots of questions seeking answers and it affected me on various aspects of life. Yesterday Shagun ji and I had a long conversation in which I shared a lot with her and she listened everything with lots of patience and helped me finding answers, I can say that I am on a path to recover. However the biggest blessing for me was getting a good sleep almost after 3years I slept for almost 7 hours prior to this maximum number of hours was 2. After speaking with her I am feeling very light from within and bit tired also . However my mind is not disturbing me as he himself is bit lost and clueless of what to do now or which direction to move ahead but I am confident that I will be overcoming this phase soon and will recover fast.
Abhishek Shukla
Well due to a personal mishap I had decided to retire from professional life and closed most of my operations. However then Shagun ji came as a guardian angel and helped me to overcome with the phase I was fighting with in. Today I am extremely happy às I resumed my work 2 weeks back and like always was able to help people who needed my help. I will just say no matter how much we learn we can’t treat ourselves and I thanks Shagun ji for showing the path and helping me to come out of the shell. Thanks a lot God bless you.
Hi Mam, I joined your group sometime back..did your karma dissolving meditation and found it amazing .. thanks for sharing such amazing tracks
After talking to you Shagun, I feel very positive and light and hopeful that I will definitely find ways to fulfill my dream of having a farm for all street babies n will definitely find my lost talent n purpose. Thank you so much for making an effort to talk as I was really losing hope n getting depressed…
Hats off to you Shagun! your commitment and sincerity amazes me.. I'm proud to know you
Thanks so much Shagun , You are ULTIMATE!
Just now I thought that how much patience to answer all the queries.. Thank you for your time & knowledge.
It is very rare to have knowledge and share as well one usually holds back, Even when a known person asks for solutions.. But here we don’t even know anyone.. I am blessed to have come in contact.
Neeta Jajoo
I had a very good experience in learning from Shagun.
The session was really very peaceful and effective, I learned a lot in just few days and I am glad, that I learnt from you.
Heartiest Thanks and Blessings!
Riddhi Shah
The magnified healing workshop was the first ever workshop I attended in the spiritual modalities. As a new comer, I felt slightly anxious in the beginning because there were a lot of terms I didn’t understand at all. But Shagun patiently helped me understand those concepts and as we began learning the Magnified Healing practice, I didn’t feel as much of a newbie. Shagun explained every step, with its importance. During the 3-day workshop I felt tired in the beginning, but eventually I started noticing changes in my thought patterns and habits. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I say that right now I have a completely different perspective towards life, after learning and practicing Magnified Healing.
“ Thank you Shagun for being so kind and patient. you are officially my first ever Teacher in my spiritual pursuits. Lots of love and blessings.”.
Alka Choudhary
Learning Magnified Healing was an amazing experience to learn from u and know what magnified healing is.
Shagun you have given a jackpot in my hands, as after learning my life has changed and daily it’s a miracle in my life. I am blessed as you have not only taught all of us patiently but also cleared each and every doubt of us. You were always ready to answer our questions.
Feeling blessed to know you, Thankyou so much!
Harpreet Bagga
Shagun is a very learned person. She was very knowledgeable and loves to share her knowledge with multiple examples and live scenarios. She was also very patient during the entire workshop and ensured all of us picked up the subject, its meanings and really benefit from it. Not even for a second it felt that she was doing it just for the sake of teaching. A very devoted, patient and dedicated teacher and healer.
Blessed to learn Magnified healing from her.
Smriiti S Sethu
Shagun is an excellent teacher. I had lot of doubts before doing the Magnified Healing Class. However each and every doubt was cleared once she started teaching.she made sure we understood everything amd was very patient with us.Shagun is an excellent teacher. I had lot of doubts before doing the Magnified Healing Class. However each and every doubt was cleared once she started teaching.she made sure we understood everything amd was very patient with us.
Her knowledge is flawless.
Pooja Munot
Shagun is an inspiring teacher. She conveyed in a very simple way with a great depth.
Feeling blessed to be part of her workshop in magnified healing.
Priti Chipkar
Thank You so much for Magnified Healing Workshop in Mumbai.
You have expressed so beautifully the whole method, how to use in our daily life journey and for helping others. Your experience and knowledge speaks in your teachings. You are much more talented as a teacher then mentioned.
I Fall short of words here still would like to add few lines…
With this divination tool ,you have inspired new hope & faith.
You have set to ignite new imaginations .
You have taught to enjoy every moment of learning with positivity n persistence.
Your learning that will be with me forever as guidance in new path of healing, and at the same time to help others.
Love u for everything.
Looking forward to many more modalities n learning sessions from you.
May God bless u with many more modalities.
I am really very thankful to you for teaching Magnified Healing, as this has made me a completely new person and I am getting good results for my clients too.
I really would like to say everyone should start practicing this healing to open the doors for abundance in all areas of their life
Rachna Mongia

hagun is a pro when it comes to dream interpretation and other healing modalities. She has a lot of patience. Managing hundreds of people, answering everyone queries each day, replying to individual questions is an art which many people are not good at but she does it with ease. Kudos to you girl! All the very very best to you.

Meditate on ancestors 1st Oct