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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Mantra is not a new term for any of us, but to me it is an “Initiation to Ascension”.
For thousands of years all throughout the planet, mantras have been used to quiet the mind, experience inner stillness, promote the development of virtues like empathy, and experience “God.”
The way lotus blooms in the mud but still it is used in sacred rituals to purify the space, building connection with higher energies and so on, Mantras are also like lotus flowers that spring from the murky depths of our minds, and blossom into the purity of being.
Mantras are specific vibrations whose effects are not unknown. When it is chanted aloud or silently, they can create a desired effect in any area of our physiology or life. It gives us the most effective way of healing to our body, mind and soul. It transforms our thoughts, perception and habits for the highest good. It helps in inner awakening process.
There are mantras for everything from curing small to big problems of life in all manner to spiritual awakening.
We all have different desires, needs and preferences, in order to manifest our various desires, we should pick mantras very carefully.
These mantras are supposed to be practiced or chanted in a directive way for our mind to understand to bring our dreams into reality.
Here I have listed down some well-known mantras for understanding:

1. OM

“Om” is said to be the first sound, and the birth of all other sounds. It is essentially the sound of infinity and is said to vibrate at the pitch of the universe (432 Hertz). This ancient sound can be chanted by itself to help focus, clear and purify the mind, or placed in front of other mantras which we use for meditation or chanting.
Om sound combines “AW” and “MM”, where “Aw” sound creates the connection and “Mm” sound connects with our inner self.
“Mm” sound also helps in releasing stuck emotions.

2. Om mani padme hum

This mantra mostly chanted by Buddhist, It is said to be taking out the jewel from the Lotus.
This mantra helps us to achieve perfection in us and in our goals.

We have mantras for awakening, perfection, releasing, healing, curing illnesses, achieving enlightenment and so on.
Join the mantra workshop and experience difference in you, to know more reach here:
email: info@satvatma.in or call @ 9711302484

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