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Crystal Healing-

Ever wondered why stones or crystals are used for solving a distress, to destress your body or used to heal diseases?! There are certain powerful crystals and stones which have been used since time immemorial to heal mind and body.

In today’s world, only a handful of people believe in “healing” from an ailment, but most of us are just running behind the symptomatic “treating” of an ailment. The reason for this partly is because of lack of awareness and understanding of healing methods.

How does Crystal Healing work?

The art of modern crystal healing is the descendant of traditional concepts of Chi or Qi taken from Chinese traditions and Chakras adopted from Hindu customs.
Universe is about energy, vibrations and frequency. The excerpts from “Rise up and Salute the Sun-The writings of Suzy Kassem” states “Wherever there is a vibration, there are eyes and ears. Some energies do not need eyes or ears to see or hear, they can feel what is in your heart and tap into your sins and fear.”

The frequency of cells in crystals will vibrate differently from the frequency of cells in human body, but when the Crystal comes in contact with the body the emotional, physical and spiritual energies are enhanced. Crystals have the power to align, amplify, transmit, transform and absorb energies from the surrounding. The crystals are bestowed with so much powerful energy that it has the ability to renew the energy in our body which can attract only positive energy. This process marks the start of the healing process.

Is there a different crystal for every problem?

Yes. Different types of Crystals are used to treat myriad of problems/ailments. In Fact each type of Crystal has a different effect on different individuals. The crystals channelise/ streamline the energy buy is highly dynamic and changes with the surrounding energy.

Choosing crystals is definitely not a child’s play. Crystals or Stones have a direct effect on astrology principles (birth stars, sun and moon positions) and on the numerology principles. Therefore, it is important for someone seeking crystals for recovery to go through the proper guidance from healing experts before venturing and possessing a stone. The impact of a Misaligned Crystal is very strong and may jeopardise the healing process.

Crystal Healing has been successfully been used and is being used in various issues like anxiety, fear, concentration, good luck, financial gain, increasing positivity, cleansing of the chakras, awakening of the third eye. Crystal Healing also provides protection from negative energies, psychic attack, heal those who suffer from psychological, emotional or even physical problems, career issues etc.

Though the energy from crystals is directly influenced by the surrounding energy and on the individual, each Crystal is used to heal a certain set of issues/ailments. The following are few different types of Crystal used for healing:

Bloodstone provides you energy.
Carnelian is good for creativity.
Rose quartz nurtures love.
Quartz crystal works-out in clearing the mind.
Turquoise supports your healing.
Black Obsidian is to protect from any evil eye.

What are the different ways crystals can be used?

Crystals work beautifully for self healing, if used in a right way.

  1. Crystals absorb, transmit and repel energy. Wearing a Crystal enables the stone to come in contact with the skin, which accelerates healing within the body, it boosts and energises the body from within. It is similar to a supplement pill.
  2. Crystals can be placed at home or car to circulate the positive energy throughout the enclosed surrounding. Typically people use it against evil powers.
  3. Crystals can be placed at certain region of the body which is most affected or requires immediate attention. When the light passes through the Crystal the energy gets absorbed onto the skin healing that part of the body. It is similar to applying ointments or balms on skin.
  4. People can use crystals to improve concentration a and meditation. Changing a hymn or holy mantras with the Crystal stone can alleviate pain and sufferings.
  5. Just like how white noise, binaural beats etc are used to soothe the mind to declutter and energise oneself, crystals can be placed below the pillow or near the bed to enable quality sleep. The rejuvenation experienced the next morning is beyond words.

Shagun Singh is an expert in Crystal Healing. Her knowledge and expertise has changed the lives of many. For further, deeper knowledge and understanding of types and uses of Crystal in healing.

To Book a consultation email: info@satvatma.in or call @ 9711302484